Indiejavafest - Friends, Bikes, Coffee (....and beer)!

December 24th, bit of a dreary day so I’ve planted myself in front of the fireplace. Reflecting on the past year (albeit briefly as there’s food to prep and cocktails to enjoy) one of the things consistently coming to mind is the variety of people I have had the pleasure of meeting weekly on the Indiejavafest ride.

The concept is simple, go for a friendly, fun, relatively short bike ride to wake up the legs and clear the fog from the head. Then stop at any locally owned and operated cafe for #allthecortados . Although it happens year round (more or less), there’s a magical 6 months a year when the sun is generally rising within the start-time window and that makes for one magical start to the day, every day!

Ultimately what really makes these rides special for me is the openness and inclusiveness of pretty much everyone who attends. Riders get to meet new people, make friends and discover

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Andrew Summers